Why Was the Law Athat Stated That You Cannot Make a Funny Face at a Dog Written in the Boks

From limiting the possession of potatoes, to peculiar restriction towards dogs, or baby names blacklists, citizens and visitors to certain countries have to obey some rather bizarre laws

#1 No farting in Florida

Thursday evenings can be the right time to enjoy some clean air outside in Florida because, from 6 pm on, it is prohibited to fart in public places.

#2 Don't ask for the time during certain hours of the day

3:29 pm is when the silence about time begins — Shutterstock 12 weird laws from around the world 3:29 pm is when the silence about time begins in Madrid — Shutterstock

The Spanish capital of Madrid has probably the most peculiar law out of all. Between 3:29 pm and 6:47 pm every day, it is prohibited to ask what the time is. And most likely, it is prohibited to ask if it is already allowed to ask.

#3 There's a limited number of dogs you can walk in Spain

It looks like Spain belongs to champions when making unusual laws. For instance, if you want to walk your dogs in the country, beware that you cannot take more than eight of them at the same time unless you want to be fined.

#4 Don't make ugly faces at dogs

You cannot make ugly faces at dogs in Oklahoma. But nobody said it cannot be the other way round... — Shutterstock 12 weird laws from around the world You cannot make ugly faces at dogs in Oklahoma. But nobody said it cannot be the other way round… — Shutterstock

While Spain limits the number of dogs you can walk, in some areas of the American state of Oklahoma, a dog's mental health is the priority. If they catch you making faces at the good boys and girls, you might find yourself in jail.

#5 You can't name your kids Hermione, Batman, or Rolling Stone in a Mexican state

In 2015, the state of Sonora in the northwestern part of Mexico got fed up with parents giving their children exotic names. The authorities created a list of 61 names including Lady Di, Rambo, or Sponsorship that are now illegal.

"The objective of the list is to protect children from being bullied because of their name," said Cristina Ramirez, the director of Sonora's civil registry, when introducing the law.

#6 Married women can drink only one glass of wine

Bolivian city of La Paz has a rather unbalanced policy towards alcohol consumption. In restaurants, married women won't be served more than one glass of wine. The reason for this policy reportedly is that it should prevent women from getting too drunk and flirting with other men.

#7 Avoid pillow fights in Germany

Pillow fightds in Germany can get you to a serious trouble — Melanie Lemahieu / Shutterstock 12 weird laws from around the world Pillow fights in Germany can get you to serious trouble — Melanie Lemahieu / Shutterstock

German laws consider pillows a passive weapon and hitting someone with it could lead to charges of assault.

#8 Calm your parrot down

In Oak Bay, Canada, you could face a fine of up to $100 if your parrot talks too loudly.

#9 Children must visit their parents in China

The People's Republic of China has come up with an interesting solution on how to solve its growing problem of lonely elderly people. In 2013, the country simply ordered the parents' grown-up children to visit them. The law says adults should care about their parents' "spiritual needs" and "never neglect or snub elderly people". Anyone failing to obey it faces fines or even imprisonment.

#10 Don't be annoying in the Philippines

Being annoying in the Philippines doesn't pay off — Shutterstock 12 weird laws from around the world Being annoying in the Philippines doesn't pay off — Shutterstock

In the Philippines, the second paragraph of Article 287 states that causing "unjust vexations" or emotional distress that serves no purpose can get you to jail for up to 30 days. According to legal experts, this law basically means that you can be punished for being merely annoying.

#11 You can't own too many potatoes

According to a law from 1946, Western Australia's Potato Marketing Corporation has the power to stop and search any vehicle suspected of carrying more than 50kg (110 lb) of potatoes.

#12 Don't carry a plank on a pavement

The United Kingdom has quite some — if not outdated, then rather bizarre — laws. One of them is that people cannot carry a plank along a pavement in London unless they are unloading it from a vehicle.

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Source: https://www.kiwi.com/stories/12-weird-laws-from-around-the-world/

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